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Jan 8, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Work Session January 8, 2004  

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 12:05pm at the Chichester Library.    

The Board set the polling hours for Tuesday March 9, 2004 as 10:00am to 7:00pm at the Grange Hall.  Town Meeting will take place at the Chichester Central School beginning at 10:00AM on Saturday, March 13, 2004.  

The Selectmen would like to meet with the moderator and review the warrant and budget prior to the public hearing which is scheduled for February 10, 2004.  Lisa will contact Mr. Hall and set up an appointment for February 3, 2004.

As a result of Chief Clarke’s deployment, the motion was made by Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman Arey to promote Officer Kitson to Lieutenant and have him assume the duties of the Police Chief during Chief Clarke’s absence, effective immediately.  All were in favor.

Selectman DeBold has overseen the ordering and distribution for the Food Pantry during the holiday season, however he is not able to continue this long term. Suggestions for finding an individual or group to oversee the pantry on a permenant basis were discussed.  Selectman DeBold will contact John West from the Chichester Grange and inquire if the Grange would be interested in running the food pantry.  

The list of encumbrances from 2003 was discussed and approved.  Items included the money for repairs to the community building fire escape; the generator at the fire department; an outstanding invoice for tax/assessing software; the parks and recreation money for the irrigation system; and the consulting money for the Emergency Operations Plan.

A lengthy discussion was held on the restructuring and salaries for the staffing of the Selectmen’s Office. A lot of review has taken place and data has been compared and compiled from the Wage, Salary and Benefits Survey published by the New Hampshire Municipal Association.  Selectmen DeBold has also talked to several towns directly regarding job descriptions and pay scales. The Board asked Lisa to develop a spreadsheet comparing last year’s administration costs for both positions including benefits and salary. Discussion on the part time position was not finalized at this meeting.  The Board is still comparing options.  

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Chairman Colbert to reclassify the position of the Selectmen’s Office Administrative Assistant to that of Town Administrator, effective immediately.  All were in favor.

The Board decided to go with a lease/purchase option for the copier at the town office building rather than a straight purchase.  Lisa will consult with the companies who submitted proposals and work on a more solid offer.  

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 2:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN                                                                     1/20/04

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